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Russian Classical Facial Massage
Also known as a clinical or a therapeutic massage, Russian facial massage is a complex of different techniques designed to deliver radical and visible improvement at the cellular, muscular and surface levels. It has been practised for over a hundred years and was taught in medical schools. The massage is a course of intensive manual facial therapy which adresses various conditions and dysfunctions aiming to heal, rebuild and rejuvenate.
The techniques employed depend on the individual's needs. You may be offered one or more within the same session. Herbal extracts, mineral clays and hand-made oil-based formulations are used in the process. Electrical and light modalities are also incorporated into the treatment where necessary. Each sessions ends with a brief massage of the head and upper back.

The Jacquet massage technique - named after its French creator, Dr. Jacquet, who used it to treat injured soldiers. It was adopted in Russian hospitals in the 1930s and is now used widely as a treatment for acne-prone skin and as a part of the massage course. Performed on dry skin, quick pinching movements oxygenate tissues, boost circulation, cellular activity, improving secretory function of the sebaceous and sweat glands and activating lymphatic drainage. This technique is not only a powerful anti-acne tool but an effective way to warm up and tone facial muscles, making them firm and plump.
Indications: Acne-prone oily skin, hyperseborrhea. Also, changes in the skin tone, colour and facial contours.
Contraindications: Eczema, acute rosacea, active herpes virus symptoms, open wounds, facial warts, acute hypertension, inflammation affecting facial cranial nerve, acute dental conditions (e.g. pulpitis).
Plastic massage technique - is a deep tissue facial massage, called "plasticheski" in Russian because it aims to return plasticity to the structure of the face. The technique is a complete facial workout, a mechanical muscle stimulation along the facial cranial nerve pathway and acupressure points. It increases the blood flow and lymphatic drainage. Performed on dry skin, with some kaolin or magnesium flour, the treatment dramatically restores muscle tone with a noticeable firming and rejuvenating effect.
Indications: Low muscle tone and elasticity, dull skin tone, mimic and deep wrinkles, ageing skin with changes in facial contours. Also, it is ideal as a treatment for post-acne condition in combination with the Jacquet massage.
Contraindications: Eczema, acute rosacea, active herpes virus symptoms, open wounds, facial warts, acute hypertension, inflammation affecting facial cranial nerve, acute dental conditions (e.g. pulpitis).
Cosmetic massage technique - brings about noticeable cosmetic effects by easing tension and promoting total relaxation and restoration of skin tone and colour. Hand-made formulations containing botanical oils and butters, vitamins and amino acids, are part of the treatment which helps to fortify capillary walls, oxygenate tissues and aid desquamation and lympatic drainage.
Exellent treatment for dry skin, the Cosmetic massage can also be offered as a treatment for oily skin, as it normalises the function of sebaceous glands and increases metabolism. The skin is nourished and hydrated, toned and rejuvenated.
Indications: Dry dehydrated skin, compromised barrier function of the skin, excessive subcutaneous fat in the chin area, low muscle tone. This treatment would also be good for overactive sebaceous glands as it help to normalise their secretion.
Contraindications: acute hypertension, inflammation of the facial nerves, open wounds, fungi infections, active herpes virus symptoms, acute dental conditions.
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