Facial Treatments
All facial treatments include free consultation, a thorough skin assessment, skin cleanse and exfoliation.
Anti-ageing facial for tired dehydrated skin
Muscle stimulation, skin hydration techniques, electric and phototherpay, use of botanicals, cosmeceuticals (amino acids, peptides, hyaluronic acid)
Acne-prone skin treatment (seborrhea, oily skin, scars, comedones)
Deep cleanse, exfoliation, where necessary, comedones extractions, skin treatment using high frequency device and phototherapy, finishing with Plucking facial massage (Jacquet technique) and a mineral masque
2 h
2 h
1 h
1 h
Advanced Cosmetic Procedures (Advanced Electrolysis)
Removal of thread veins and spider veins, blood spots, a small skin tag
Removal or reduction of other benign lesions (large skin tags, seborrhoeic keratoses, xanthomas, syringomas, warts, moles etc)
15 min
30 min
45 min
1 h
You should seek your GP's consent, if you wish to remove or reduce a mole on your skin for cosmetic reasons.
A blank Consent Form can be emailed to you on request. Please contact the Clinic and leave your email address. This form should be signed by your GP prior to your appointment for the mole removing procedure.
For L-Formula Skincare, please visit our Shop
We accept debit/credit cards, cash or bank transfers.