Skin Tags
A skin tag, or acrochordon, is a benign skin growth which usually develops in folds of skin, such as the neck, armpits or groin, which is why rubbing against skin may play a role in their appearance. They can also occur on the face, on the eyelids, and are more common in women. Skin tags may be not aesthetically pleasing but they are harmless non-cancerous growths and their removal is classed as a 'cosmetic' procedure.
Skin tags are very common with pregnant women and people who are overweight. They are sometimes associated with high cholesterol levels. Some people are more suseptible to acrochordon condition, e.g. people suffering from diabetes, as skin tags have been linked to insulin resistance and elevated high-sensitive C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation.

Some studies on acrochorda, a skin polyp, established a genetic link in their occurrence as well as the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV). More rarely skin tags have been associated with:
* Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome (a rare genetic condition characterised by skin tumours, multiple fibrofolliculomas and acrochordon, or skin tags. Carcinomas may develop in the kidneys and colon.
* Polycystic ovary syndrome
Skin tags can be flat or pedunculated and can differ in size and colour. Their removal is recommended if the skin tags grow in the areas where they cause friction and irritation. If caught they can bleed, leading to infection.
Removal of skin tags by electrolysis is a relatively simple procedure which is highly effective, offering dramatic results. It is always best to have an initial consultation, which is free, to assess the degree of the problem and, if you are really concerned about these lesions, you should consult your GP.