Acne is a very common disorder of the pilosebaceous unit which affects more than 80% of adolescents. It is characterized by the formation of comedones, papules, pustules, and in some cases cysts and nodules. The face, chest, and back, where the density of the sebaceous glands with androgen level is high, are the common sites affected.
Often associated with puberty and androgenic influence, acne gradually subsides by late 20s in the majority of cases, however, some adults in their 30s, 40s and 50s continue to suffer from acne. Embarrassing, unsightly and often painful, acne can be caused by anything from diet and lifestyle to genetics and hormones, making it tricky to treat. Propionibacterium acne is the main pathogen which is sensitive to hormonal activity causing sebaceous follicular obstruction and altered keratinisation pattern.
Conditions that may aggravate the condition include:
Fluctuating hormone levels around the time of periods in women
Manipulating (picking/prodding) acne lesions
Clothing and headgear (for example hats and sports helmets)
Air pollution and certain weather conditions, especially high humidity
extending into the hairline and the upper back. Typical treatment used is topical ketoconazole shampoo 2%. (For more information about acne and recent research data, please click here.)
What is an Acne Facial Treatment?
If you suffer from outbursts of acne, you would probably know that traditional facial treatment can sometimes aggravate the condition. Acne treatments usually employ deep-pore and deep-tissue cleansing to rid the skin of excess oils and stimulate circulation, to allow skin to breathe again. A deep cleanse, exfoliation and extractions are carried out on congested pores, usually employing the Jacquet massage technique and finishing with a mineral mask.
What is an Acne Facial Treatment?
Pityrosporum folliculitis, also known as Malassezia, is often mistaken by physicians for typical Acne Vulgaris, when acne treatment with antibiotics can lead to a worsening condition. Pityrosporum folliculitis is a fungal (yeast) infection and presents as monomorphic keratosis pilaris-like fine papules and pustules and is often pruritic. It is normally located on the upper forehead,
Such modalities as high frequency d'Arsonval device, ultrasonic equipment, phototherapy and electrolysis are important additions to the facial treatment.